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​​TheSouthwestChurch is a SimpleChurch... 
Designed to move us along a very simple path toward... 
Belief and Behavior that'll make God Grin... 

We wanna' help you figure out where you are along TheGodPath...
and then help you deliberately move a little bit closer... and a little bit closer... 
then a little bit closer...

Based on Jesus' 3 Point Checklist to the Disciples in Matthew 28:19-20...
we wanna' help you... * Get Saved... * Get Soaked... * Get Serious... 

TheSouthwestChurch is affiliated with The Central Baptist Association... 
The Baptist Convention of New Mexico... and The Southern Baptist Convention.



pastor tony...

Pastor Tony Chavez was graduated from Albuquerque's Rio Grande High School in 1972. He received his B.S. from Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College and his M.A. from DenverTheological Seminary. He has been a pastor in New Mexico since 1983. 

You can reach Tony @ 505.453.1679 or





Lauren Chavez, MD is the Founder and Medical Director for ClearWaves Medical Laser Group. Dr. Chavez is an Aviation Medical Examiner, performing exams for Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots. She is a graduate of the UNM School of Medicine and was Medical Director for the Emergency Department of Eastern New Mexico Medical Center in Roswell for almost 10 years. She has been a practicing Physician in New Mexico for about 30 years.

Dr. Chavez is also the Aeronautics Director for Albuquerque Aviation Academy (formerly Southwest Aeronautics, Mathematics, and Science Academy,) a FREE PUBLIC CHARTER middle & high school in the Albuquerque & Rio Ranch area, where students can earn their Private Pilot Certificate for FREE. Dr. Chavez earned her Private Pilot's Certificate in 2002, and has been a Certified Flight Instructor for about 15 yrs.

Lauren became a Christian during college and has developed a strong passion for studying and passing along God’s Truth. 

You can reach Lauren ​



Bible... The Bible teaches us that the Bible in its entirety is the Word of God without any error, and is our sole authority for life and faith. 

God... The Bible teaches us that there is one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus... The Bible teaches us that that Jesus is the Son of God, was born of a virgin, was completely God and completely man, lived a sinless life, died in our place as a sacrifice for our sins, was buried, physically rose from the grave, and ascended back into Heaven. 

Holy Spirit... The Bible teaches us that God the Holy Spirit is active in convincing unbelievers of their need for salvation, and is the Comforter and Guide Who lives in every believer. 

Man... The Bible teaches us that man is a special creation of God, made in His image, but that through the sin of the first man, Adam, mankind fell so that all men are sinners and in need of salvation. 

Salvation... The Bible teaches us that salvation is an everlasting gift received by faith through repentance toward God and is shown by an unconditional surrender and dedicated life to the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Baptism... The Bible teaches us that water baptism is an act of obedience to the command of Christ and is by immersion after salvation and not for salvation. 

Church... The Bible teaches us that the church is a local body of baptized believers with the Lord Jesus Christ as its Head dedicated to the task of building believers for the purpose of reaching others for Jesus Christ and ultimately glorifying God. 

Eternity... The Bible teaches us that those persons who die in their sins without Christ will spend eternity separated from God in Hell, a place of eternal punishment and those persons who die with their sins forgiven through Christ will spend eternity in Heaven, in God's presence forever. 




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